
《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)被视为世界上最全面权威的英语词典之一,由牛津大学出版社出版。《牛津英语词典》对词语的例证多摘自重要历史文件和文学作品,其中《圣经》是被引用得最多的作品,而莎士比亚是被引用得最多的作者。牛津在线词典的主要内容来自于第2版《牛津英语词典》以及编纂中的第3版等材料,同时还收录了“牛津英语辞典同义词库”。牛津在线词典的数据每3个月更新一次,每次增加千余个词条。



This word born on the Pacific Island of Hawaii finally got an entry into the latest edition of theonline Oxford English Dictionary along with 287 other new words.


This word born on the Pacific Island of Hawaii finally got an entry into the latest edition of theonline Oxford English Dictionary along with 287 other new words.


The OED online gives a first citation of gazpacho from 1845 and even gives a recipe.

4、这次收录的心形符号是牛津在线词典最新收录的45, 436个新词条中比较受争议的一个。

The entry is one of several controversial phrases among 45, 436 new definitions in the latestonline edition of the OED.


The C word has been in use since at least 1230, according to the Oxford English Dictionaryonline, when it referred to a street name, Gropecuntelane (bet I can guess what went on there).