




3.个人认为朗文国际要好!因为这两本教材我都教过, 剑桥英语感觉编写很随意,任务的选择和设计也很随意,最主要是缺乏一个明确的理念!但是相对来说比较容易,明显的英国英语.而朗文国际适合英语是外语的学习者, 如中国人在大陆学习英语,以美国英语为主!但是相对来说比较难



Unit 1

book book bag chair desk marker pencil table teacher name hello this

Unit 2

boy girl man woman baby brother family father mother sisiter do have see

Unit 3

arm body ear eye eyebrows cheek chin face feet finger hair hand head knee leg mouth nose shoulder thumb toe happy mad angry sad big small little move touch long short

Unit 4

clothes dress hat jacket trousers shirt shoes skirt socks sweater coat shorts gloves scarf glasses

Unit 5

bathroom bedroom living room dining room kitchen bathtub bed bookcase lamp coffee table sofa telephone TV stove how many what where who put cooking eating playing reading sleeping

watching in

Unit 6

bird bug cat kitten cow dog puppy duck fish frog hippo horse sheep lion tiger wolf zebra giraffe bear elephant monkey seal leopard eating flying jumping running sleeping swimming big little small long short

Unit 7

ice cream milk pizza fruit apple banana orange grape lemon pineapple cherry kiwi watermelon strawberry mango peach pear drink water tea milk coffee juice yogurt lemonade food hamburger cake hot dog cookie ice cream sandwich rice noodles balloon birthday candle children party present day week have want opening singing please happy

Unit 8

toy ball bike block boat car doll kite plane skate in on under

Unit 9

clap catching dancing flying jumping kicking reading riding a bike running singing skating sleeping

swimming throwing watching wearing


one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred


red yellow blue green pink purple black white brown orange gray gold silver


circle triangle square rectangle


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


good-bye good morning good afternoon good evening open/close the book hands up sit down stand up come here how many point at show me

pick up put down put on take off turn on turn off you’re welcome


(1) How are you ?

I’m wonderful/great/very good/good/fine/ok/not bad```,thank you ,how are you?

(2) What’s your name ?

My name is ````.

(3) Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you too!

(4) What’s this?

It’s a ```.

(5) What colour is this ?

It’s ```.

(6) How many people are there in your family?

There are ```people in my family.