
2024年英语六级冲刺抢分班-屠皓民亲授 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!





  • 2014年6月英语六级真题考试作文题目六级:深思熟虑

    六级作文的评分标准大部分带有主观化的色彩,但是评卷人的主观化来自于考生试卷上的作文内容。如果你的作文勾勾抹抹,涂涂画画,乱七八糟,阅卷老师的视觉感官就很不好,这样根本不可能得高分。用英语来表达自己想说的不是件易事,我们只六级作文的评分标准大部分带有主观化的色彩,但是评卷人的主观化来自于考生试卷上的作文内容。如果你的作文能在语言上学习规范,更要积累方法。这次的六级真题作文题目是深思熟虑,大家要如何下笔呢? For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something.

  • 英语六级作文考试题目及范文六级练习

    关于六级作文写作,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题六级作文写作,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了历年英语六级作文题目及范文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 2015年6月英语六级作文题目及范文 试卷一:知识与实践 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” You can cite one example or two

  • 2017年6月六级作文关于大学选择六级作文关于大学选择的题目

    2017年6月的英语六级考试刚刚结束,大家考得怎么样呢?六级作文新鲜出炉,这次的考试题目是选择综合类大学还是职业,根据这项要求写作的时候大家觉得困难吗?这次的作文题目要如何来写呢?下面就看看范文是怎样剖析这个问题的吧。 题目: Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: With the flourish of education industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as follows: Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision. Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be . To sum up, a clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education. 范文一: Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion as to whether students should choose to go to a vocational school or a university. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life. Some believe that it is a better choice to go to vocational school, but others consider it better to go to a university. I totally disagree with the first idea for the reasons presented below. To begin with, it harms the society in that vocational schools often equip students with some skills for jobs and send them to the society way too early. There will be great competition in the job market. The greater the competition is, the higher the unemployment rate, and consequently the more unstable the society will become. Furthermore, it is harmful to the students themselves. Without the choice to pursue higher level of learning, many great scholars today would never have achieved such great success. From my perspective, it is crucial that the government should encourage people to pursue higher and further study. Also it is high time that people understood the meaning and value of higher education. Only in this way can we achieve greater success. 对于即将报考六级考试的人来说,这篇新六级考试刚刚结束,大家考得怎么样呢?六级作文新鲜出炉,这次的考试题目出炉的六级作文无疑是很好的练习试题。好好分析题目与范文,找到其中的亮点部分,反复阅读,甚至背诵。只有把真题研究通顺,理清思路,才能给自己在写作文的时候找到方向。六级作文的难度不小,关键在于你平时的努力,把握机会,迎难而上六级考试刚刚结束,大家考得怎么样呢?六级作文新鲜出炉,这次的考试题目是选择综合类大学还是职业,根据这项要求写作的时候大家觉得困难吗?这次的作文题目要如何来写呢?下面就看看范文是怎样剖析这个问题的吧。 题目: Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: With the flourish of education industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as follows: Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision. Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be . To sum up, a clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education. 范文一: Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion as to whether students should choose to go to a vocational school or a university. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life. Some believe that it is a better choice to go to vocational school, but others consider it better to go to a university. I totally disagree with the first idea for the reasons presented below. To begin with, it harms the society in that vocational schools often equip students with some skills for jobs and send them to the society way too early. There will be great competition in the job market. The greater the competition is, the higher the unemployment rate, and consequently the more unstable the society will become. Furthermore, it is harmful to the students themselves. Without the choice to pursue higher level of learning, many great scholars today would never have achieved such great success. From my perspective, it is crucial that the government should encourage people to pursue higher and further study. Also it is high time that people understood the meaning and value of higher education. Only in this way can we achieve greater success. 对于即将报考六级考试的人来说,这篇新出炉的六级作文无疑是很好的练习试题。好好分析题目与范文,找到其中的亮点部分,反复阅读,甚至背诵。只有把真题研究通顺,理清思路,才能给自己在写作文的时候找到方向。六级吧。

  • 2017六级英语作文六级英语作文热点题目

    每年的六级考试都会有很多老师机构预测很多的英语作文,并不一定能预测对。但这段时间对英语作文的学习背诵一定会让我们学会很多句子,学会很多短语,不至于在考场上无话可说,通过一段时间的作文学习也可以有很大的进步。接下来我们就来说说今年6月英语六级考试常考作文题目以及预测的作文题。接下来就来说说今年六级英语预测的6个话题。 六级作文预测汇总。网络游戏,大四空巢,盗版现象,社会责任感,考研热潮,低头族……1、2017年6月英语六级作文范文:网络游戏2、2017年6月英语六级作文范文:旅游诚信问题3、2017年6月英语六级作文范文:高等教育无用论4、2017年6月英语六级作文范文:环境污染5、2017年

  • 六级作文题目:创业六级的利与弊

      当今社会不再局限于“我是员工,你是老板”这种一成不变的关系,如果高兴,我也可以做老板,自己开公司,自己创业。自主创业也许看似收益满满,但确是需要承担一定的责任和风险,也是相当辛苦的。下面是沪江小编整理的六级作文题目:创业的利与弊,一起来参考一下吧。   作文题目:   Self employment   参考范文:   Self employment could bring many advantages. One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profit the business makes belongs

  • 2014年6月英语六级作文真题题目:不要把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子六级里

    在六级考试中,答作文题目的时候要小心。写作之前一定要审好题,找准立意,快速思考,确定方向。在标题的选择上一定要慎重,内容要与文章相符合。不要造成风马牛不相及的情况。段落之间要层层深入,层层递进,方便写作。在确定文章体裁上,不能模棱两可。找到问题的核心,才可落笔。注意了这些现在来看看这篇六级作文及范文吧。 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. You can give explanations to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 范文一 When making crucial decisions or important plans, it is always necessary to have a plan B. As the old saying goes, "Never put all your eggs in one basket." Having a second choice is essential to reducing the loss. It is easy to understand that, for any plan that involves investments beforehand, one should prepare for the worst situation no matter how well it appears currently. When the profits are higher, people are also taking greater risks. For example, as the real-estate market is highly profitable nowadays, many people invest all their money into new houses and some even raise a mortgage. The possible result is that once the market cools down and the house prices go on a decrease, the investors are more likely to lose the profits as well as the capital. Admittedly, putting all the eggs in one basket maximizes the possible gaining. However, in unfavorable conditions, it also maximizes the loss. In conclusion, it is unwise to put all your hopes into one possible solution. People should all learn the importance of avoiding risks with a plan B. 范文二 It is a truth universally acknowledged that we need to have a plan B when we are doing important things. As a famous proverbs goes, it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. This saying obviously aims to deliver the message that in order to avoid possible failures and setbacks, we ought to make adequate and flexible preparations. Nobody can be certain of what is going to happen in the future; therefore, we all need to have different plans and prepations in case of undesirable outcomes. Then, the losses and risks can be tremendously reduced. For instance, a decade ago, chinese stock market was extremely profitable and made numerous people millionnaires just overnight. One day, my uncle came to my home and he intended to borrow money from my parents. He promised that he would return the money plus the interest in two years. But my father was dicreet and he only loaned him a few. Then, he deposited some in the bank, invested some in the national bond, and spent the rest on a new apartment. Two years later, chinese stock market crashed and my uncle nearly lost all his fortune. Luckily, my father’s decision made more money for us. To conclude, it is highly unfeasible to put all eggs in just one basket. Not only will this give rise to the unexpected and unaffordable result, but we will be inclined to be irrationale and unreasonable. 不要把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,这是很常见的一个社会现象。六级出题人六级考试中,答作文题目选择这个现象作为六级作文题目,可见想法之深远。我们在写这篇作文的时候,一定要观点鲜明。这种题目虽说是常见的范围,但是怎样组织语言,使之合理的表达出来又是一个难题。所以看看范文有助于打开你六级考试中,答作文题目的时候要小心。写作之前一定要审好题,找准立意,快速思考,确定方向。在标题的选择上一定要慎重,内容要与文章相符合。不要造成风马牛不相及的情况。段落之间要层层深入,层层递进,方便写作。在确定文章体裁上,不能模棱两可。找到问题的核心,才可落笔。注意了这些现在来看看这篇六级作文及范文吧。 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. You can give explanations to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 范文一 When making crucial decisions or important plans, it is always necessary to have a plan B. As the old saying goes, "Never put all your eggs in one basket." Having a second choice is essential to reducing the loss. It is easy to understand that, for any plan that involves investments beforehand, one should prepare for the worst situation no matter how well it appears currently. When the profits are higher, people are also taking greater risks. For example, as the real-estate market is highly profitable nowadays, many people invest all their money into new houses and some even raise a mortgage. The possible result is that once the market cools down and the house prices go on a decrease, the investors are more likely to lose the profits as well as the capital. Admittedly, putting all the eggs in one basket maximizes the possible gaining. However, in unfavorable conditions, it also maximizes the loss. In conclusion, it is unwise to put all your hopes into one possible solution. People should all learn the importance of avoiding risks with a plan B. 范文二 It is a truth universally acknowledged that we need to have a plan B when we are doing important things. As a famous proverbs goes, it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. This saying obviously aims to deliver the message that in order to avoid possible failures and setbacks, we ought to make adequate and flexible preparations. Nobody can be certain of what is going to happen in the future; therefore, we all need to have different plans and prepations in case of undesirable outcomes. Then, the losses and risks can be tremendously reduced. For instance, a decade ago, chinese stock market was extremely profitable and made numerous people millionnaires just overnight. One day, my uncle came to my home and he intended to borrow money from my parents. He promised that he would return the money plus the interest in two years. But my father was dicreet and he only loaned him a few. Then, he deposited some in the bank, invested some in the national bond, and spent the rest on a new apartment. Two years later, chinese stock market crashed and my uncle nearly lost all his fortune. Luckily, my father’s decision made more money for us. To conclude, it is highly unfeasible to put all eggs in just one basket. Not only will this give rise to the unexpected and unaffordable result, but we will be inclined to be irrationale and unreasonable. 不要把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,这是很常见的一个社会现象。六级出题人选择这个现象作为六级的思路。

  • 六级作文关于公务员的题目怎么六级写

    要考英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了关于公务员的英语六级作文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 1)近几年兴起了一股报考国家公务员的热潮 2)分析产生这一现象的原因 3)你对此的看法是…… In recent years, there are more and more people who have participated in the test for national civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant

  • 怎么写题目关于宿舍生活的六级六级作文

    要考英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了关于宿舍生活的的英语六级作文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! On a Harmonious Dormitory Life. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况; 2. 一个和谐宿舍生活的必要性; 3. 如何创造和谐的宿舍生活。 On a Harmonious Dormitory Life Dormitory

  • 六级作文关于团购的题目要怎么六级写

    要考英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了关于团购的英语六级作文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Group Buying. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前,团购是一种非常流行的新消费模式 2. 但是

  • 六级作文题目:信息技术是万能六级的吗?

      如今,信息技术越发领先,尤其是智能手机的普及,甚至能达到一机在手,万事不愁的地步;但是,在方便了人们生活的同时,它也促使人类变得更为懒惰,思考的也愈发少了,所以说,信息技术真的是万能的嘛? 作文题目: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eaasy based on the sentences " We have lots of information technology.We just don't have much useful information." You are required