
 I. 词汇多样性

词汇贫乏是中国学生英语作文的通病, 如整篇作文一个词用到底,不作任何变化: 一遇到“改变/变化”就用change, “影响”就是effect, “流行”就是popular, “认为”就是think。其实, 英语词汇非常丰富, 同一个意思可以用很多不同方式来表达。如:

改变: change, modify, alter, shift, fashion, transform, convert

变化: change, vary, fluctuate, oscillate

保护: protect, conserve, safeguard

保存: save, preserve, conserve, keep, store

影响: effect, influence, impact

流行: popular, prevalent, prevailing, current, common, universal

认为: think, believe, hold, argue, maintain, deem, reckon, figure

意识到: realize, be aware of/that, understand, sth. dawns on sb.

想到: think of, come up with, occur to/strike sb., come to, remind

看作: regard ... as ..., think of/look on/consider/view/see/take ... as ...

应该: should, ought to, it is/would be better, it is advisable to

因为: because, since, as, for, because of, owing to, thanks to, due to, as a result of,on account of, with, from, at, of

关于: about, on, with regard to, as regards, concerning, relating to

因此: so, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, hence, thereby

然而: however, nevertheless, nonetheless, whereas, though, still, yet

另外: moreover, in addition, besides, furthermore, one more thing

不同: different, difference, differ, vary from ... to ..., conflicting, diverse, diversified,various, a variety of

II. 句子多样性

句式和结构单调、句子长度相近, 会使作文呆板单调, 缺乏生动性和说服力; 而灵活多变的句子样式和结构则可使作文生动、自然、丰富多彩。具体做法包括:

■ 长短句变换

长句准确, 适于推理; 短句明快, 意义明确, 印象深刻, 适于描述动作。应根据实际需要,交替使用各种句式, 以达到“段间长短不一, 全篇句式万千”的效果, 给读者以新鲜感。

■ 结构多样化

我们学过非谓语动词结构( 包括不定式、动名词和分词结构) 、无动词结构、比较结构、独立结构、with 复合结构、特殊否定结构、平行结构、强调结构、倒装结构等。其中最为神通广大的是非谓语动词结构, 在句中可作除谓语外的各种成份。

非谓语动词结构可以简化从句, 产生语言简练、结构丰富多样的效果。请看下例:

▲ 名词从句转化为非谓语动词结构

1. That John won the marathon surprised us.

→ John’s winning the marathon surprised us.

2. I have not decided whether I should vote for Clint.

→ I have not decided whether to vote for Clint.

▲ 定语从句转化为非谓语动词结构

1. The man (who is) standing at the gate is my English teacher.

2. The car (that was) repaired yesterday by him is my mother’s.

3. The next train (that is) to arrive is from New York.

▲ 状语从句转化为非谓语动词结构

1. After he watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.

→ Having watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.

2. When they are heated, metals expand.

→ (When) Heated, metals expand.

3. Because I do not know what to do next, I want to ask you for advice.

→ Not knowing what to do next, I want to ask you for advice.

4. I spoke slowly and clearly in order that the audience could understand me.

→ ... in order for the audience to understand me.

5. If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fall.

→ United, we stand; divided, we fall.

6. Though he has lived in Canada for three years, he still cannot speak English well.

→ Having lived in Canada for three years, he still cannot speak English well.

无动词结构也可成为作文中的亮点。这种结构实质上是SVC 结构的省略, 包括形容词无动词结构、名词无动词结构( 即同位结构) 和介词无动词结构, 常出现在句子开头, 以逗号同主句隔开, 表示原因、条件、让步、补充说明、伴随状况等。请看下列例子:

▲ 形容词无动词结构

1. Big and fat, Victor went to the Gym (健身馆) every Sunday morning. ( 原因)

2. Speechless, Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat. ( 伴随状语)

3. Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. ( 原因)

4. (Although) Always helpful, he was not much liked by people. ( 让步)

▲ 名词无动词结构

1. A fellow Georgian, Jordan was well-known as a friend of the President. ( 同位语)

2. Bank loan or no bank loan, we’ll buy the house. ( 条件)

3. Whatever the reason, his cordiality (诚恳) to her has won him a friend. ( 让步)

▲ 介词无动词结构

1. Because of his mistake, several people died. ( 原因)

2. Without his sister’s money, Harry would never be a doctor. ( 条件)

相比之下不难发现, 无动词结构比分句更简练, 同时又能丰富作文的句子结构。

■ 主语多样化

中国人习惯用人称主语, 而英语中则常用无生命的事物作主语。如:

1. The last two decades has witnessed earth-shaking changes in China.

2. I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sendingan earlier reply to your letter.

3. Everything at the party spoke of careful planning.

4. That night sleep eluded me.

5. A terrible thought suddenly struck me—had I locked the door?

英语中用没有生命的事物作主语是相当普遍的现象, 几乎和人称主语句平分秋色。但由于受汉语思维的束缚, 中国学生往往觉得人作主语更自然, 因此大多数情况下会不假思索地将上述例4 写成:

4a. I failed to fall asleep that night.

4b. I lay awake throughout that night.

了解了英语的这种独特表达方式, 我们要有意识地进行模仿, 这样才能写出地道的英语句子, 避免作文中“人”主宰一切的枯燥句子。


句子开头除了使用主语外, 还可用各种各样的结构。

1. An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safetyin the woods. ( 同位语)

2. Angry, Mr. Boyd began to defend his reputation with strong arguments. ( 形容词短语)

3. Tired and dirty, the boys returned to the camp. ( 形容词短语)

4. Jogging every day, I soon increased my energy level. ( 现在分词短语)

5. Troubled by a dream, Tim woke up with a start. ( 过去分词短语)

6. To succeed in that course, you must attend every class. ( 不定式短语)

7. In the scientific laboratory, Madame Curie was an industrious worker. ( 介词短语)

8. What you impulsively do in haste you may regret at leisure. ( 宾语从句提前)

■ 运用修辞手法

1. I came, I saw, I conquered.

2. The proof of gold is fire; the proof of woman, gold; the proof of man, a woman.

3. Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish fromthe earth.

4. A long journey tests a horse’s strength; a long acquaintance shows a man’s heart.

以上例句中, 前三个运用排比修辞格, 语势强烈, 感染力强; 后一句运用对偶修辞格, 言简意赅, 意义隽永。

总之, 语言的奥妙在于千变万化, 如果同学们能依照这些原则, 在平时学习中触类旁通,举一反三, 坚持积累, 并辅以适当的练习, 定能在考试中写出流光溢彩的英语美文。