
1.Slowing Down放慢语速

First step第一步:

Take a deep breath. Calm yourself down before you start speaking, so that your lungs won't run out of air. 请深呼吸。在说话之前,静下心来。(深呼吸,让你的肺部充满氧气)这样做,会让你在说话的时候,不会因缺氧而停顿。

Distill your thoughts – do not spill them. Take the time to center yourself, and proceed mindfully from there.精炼语句。但不要漏下该说的。集中精神,然后慎言之。

Second Step第二步:

Articulate your words. Pronounce each syllable individually. Syl-la-ble. 清晰地发出每一个音节。比如你在说“Syllable”的时候,把这个单词拆成3个音节“Syl”-“la”-“ble”来发。

Take it very slowly, at first, until each sound is clear and distinct. Gradually speed up your speech and decrease the space between words until you are speaking normally.刚开始的时候慢慢地发每个音节,确保每一个音节是独立、清晰的。然后,逐渐加快语速,同时缩短单词和单词之间停顿的时间,(按照这种方式训练)直到你能以正常语速说英语。


1.Make sure you actually stop the air for consonants like 't' and 'b'. Differentiate between your vowels.确保你在两个辅音之间有所停顿,如“t”和“b”。同时注意区分元音。

2.Don't expect to speak with perfect clarity right away. You may need to practice this for several hours each day.这种锻炼方式不会立竿见影,你需要日复一日地坚持练习。

3.Practice when you're alone – in the car, or walking down the street; when cleaning, or knitting.利用独处的零碎时间练习。比如在车子里或者在街上散步的时候;还可以在打扫卫生、缝纫衣服的时候练口语。

Third step第三步:

Speak more slowly. It can be incredibly helpful to give your words an extra second or two to fully come out of your mouth. Pausing also works, because pausing allows the person you're speaking to, to digest all of the words you've just said.进一步放慢语速。开口说英语的时候稍微慢个1-2秒,让发音饱满完整,这会很有帮助。这1-2秒的时间,可以让听众有时间去理解你的意思。停顿也可以达到一样的效果。