
1. 宠物:虽然她研究的话题仍然体现着欧陆特色的批判社会研究诉求,譬如,研究表现(performance),类型(genre),宠物(pets)和伦理 (ethics )等等,但是她完全依照的是西方社会科学的实证研究方法,坚持量化和质化两相结合.

2. 养宠物:美国人喜欢养宠物(pets)的风气经久不衰,上至总统(president),都愿意养个宠物在家里与自己为伴. 据说,在美国有5000万人养了阿猫阿狗. 美国人对宠物的各种服务的专门商店、宠物医院和宠物公墓等也是随处可见. 逢年过节,

3. 社长当选人训练会:本(3480)地区2009-2010年度社长当选人训练会(PETS)假圆山大饭店B1德厚厅举行. 1.本(3480)地区2008-09年度地区领导人研讨会(DLS)假圆山饭店10楼国际会议厅举行. 赞助地区青少年领袖研习营(RYLA)活动经费

4. pets:public english test system; 全国英语等级考试

5. PETS的解释

5. pets:pedal travel switch; 踏板行程开关

6. pets:people for ethical treatment of software; 从事软件伦理学处理的人

PETS 双语例句

1. Milk thistle and turmeric is the preferred pet medication for this disorder, and most liver ailments in pets.

肝炎 牛奶蓟和姜黄是更喜欢的宠物疗程为这混乱,和多数肝脏疾病在宠物。

2. PETS什么意思

2. In this post, I'll lista few of the most common pets and the benefits or drawbacks of raising littermates of that species together.


3. People celebrate their pets` birthdays and buy them gifts on holidays.


4. Pets need your love and attention, inaddition to food, water and sleep.



5. Pets attribute the need for better access to equipment addition.


6. PETS什么意思

6. I don`t like to keep any pets.


7. There are some plants that we need to avoid if we want to keep our pets safe and healthy.


8. In their opinion, if too many people keep pets at home, it is bad for the environment.


9. CAt a word, I want to say that if you want to keep more healthy, keep a pets!


10. I like animals, so I don`t think it is bad to keep pets at home.


11. In our apartment, I will keep many kinds of pets, I love the cute pets very much.


12. But now I can`t keep pets, cannot flower, because I`m busy now...


13. The New York Times Magazine recently focused on Americans splurging on mood-altering drugs for their pets.


14. One trip for their Jack Russell terrier in a plane`s cargo hold was enough to convince Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel that owners needed a better option to get their pets from one city to another.


15. One such trip for Jack Russell Terrier Zoe was enough to convince her owners Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel that pets needed to travel in style.


16. I wanted to tell you that I love Pets` Spark.

我要告诉你们,我爱Pets' Spark泪渍停。

17. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

17. I have a Maltese and I have been fighting with tearstains for years. I have spent quite a bit of money on other products, but nothing works like Pets` Spark. I am certain this is the best product ever!

我有一只玛尔济斯,而且已经跟泪渍奋战多年了,花了不少钱在其他产品上,但都没有像Pets' Spark泪渍停那麼有效,我相信这是最好的产品了!

18. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Pets` Spark!

谢谢你们,谢谢Pets' Spark泪渍停。

19. I recommend Pets` Spark for any cat with tearstains.

我向所有有泪渍的猫推荐Pets' Spark泪渍停。

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20. I am very impressed with everything about this company. It has been an excellent experience from the service, delivery time, packaging, until the high quality of their product. Pets` Spark is more than FABULOUS!

对於这家公司的一切,我真是印象深刻,从服务、运送、包装以及高品质的产品,都是很好的体验,Pets' Spark泪渍停真是太惊人了!